Wye Valley Makers

Logo system design for Makers Market, based in the UK on the River Wye. After chatting with the brand’s founder it was immediately obvious that the location and community spirit of the business were the features we should highlight with the logo system - alongside, of course…creativity and making.

The logo system is pretty extensive because it will be used across social media, for posters, websites and merchandise. I really wanted to avoid providing just a couple of assets that would eventually feel overused. Providing different versions of the logo which are all easy to recognise means that one can be used for merch, the other for stickers, another on social media and so on.

Logo System Concept

The pencil represents the makers and community spirit of the brand while the river refers to the location and is a nod to the outdoorsy and adventurous customers the market will attract. The river Wye is the fourth-longest river in the UK and represents connection between places and in this case people. These two core elements have been visualised and combined in different ways to create the assets above. Scroll down for a closer look and how they can be used.