Brand Identity - Pearhaus Coffee

Logo System for local coffee roasters PearHaus Coffee. They approached me about a rebrand because they wanted to take their Roastery business to a new level and attract new clients. Their initial visual identity had been put together right at the start of their coffee journey and didn’t reflect the brand goals, values or style.

They were looking for a chunky serif wordmark and a logo icon which combined a tree and a bird. This is a nod to the name. I provided a customised wordmark that had plenty of personality and was not based on trends as the time but was something which really suited the brand and has longevity. The word mark has a more hand-drawn feel to reflect the environmental aspect of the business and to create the basis of a visual language.

wordmark logo using customised serif font for coffee roastery, light cream on dark green
coffee label design to go onto bags, minimal design with logo at top and information
simple bird icon, conceptual design mixing a pear, tree and bird

Additional Icon

coffee label design to go onto bags, minimal design with logo at top and information
coffee label design to go onto bags, minimal design with logo at top and information

The name of the business was loosely connected to the phrase ‘partridge in a pear tree’. I started exploring ways we could fit together a bird and pear /pear tree to become their logo icon. Having an icon which is connected to the story of the brand makes the visual identity more memorable with way more personality.

As part of the project I also provided a little graphic design work and set up a label design template which can be used with any of the new colours established in the logo system. Different coloured labels are applied to different coffees so a viewer can quickly tell products apart. The brand needed a label that was easy to edit, print and apply to their existing brown bags.