Editorial Design - Bad Hand Journal

A pocketable journal from Bad Hand Coffee. This piece of editorial design explores the story of local creative brands, the topic of seeking discomfort and the journey of a coffee bean. A team of us worked to produce the journal. I created the design layout, Aron Leah did the illustration, Nick Baines wrote the copy and Stew Gilbert took the pics.

In my opinion good editorial design is in the way the design flows from one page to another and creating a sense of rhythm, so that was one of my main focuses going into the project. We also knew that the journal needed to suit the Bad Hand brand style and be reflective of the people who founded the business. That meant, no swanky shots of neat flat whites, it needed to be more relaxed, honest and a little rough round the edges.

One of the big driving forces behind Volume One was the theme of discomfort. It’s a theme everyone can relate to in some way or another, and a conduit that we can use to touch on a number of different subjects.

Whether it’s the uncomfortable process of going freelance, starting a bike parts brand after a career as a pro BMXer, or as we explore in our title feature, the discomfort of cold water swimming.

Get your hands on a physical copy here.

Bad Hand




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